Project Overview
The TekCrete at the Netflix Head Quarters Theater was designed in conjunction with Conco Concrete. You can see the picture of the original mockup that was a much darker-grayer color.
We changed the mix design to create a lighter- tan look to accentuate the rest of the Theaters ambiance. The Mix was loaded with complimentary aggregates to make the final look even brighter. The entire theater was poured in one day. The Conco finishers followed Floor Seal’s required procedures to ensure we would end up with a consistent aggregate exposure.
After completing the finishing, The Floor Seal Technology technicians monitored the bleed water evaporation rate to apply the MirrorCure system at exactly the right time.
The MirrorCrete diamond cutting process, MirrorCrete densifiers, and sealers by Floor Seal Technicians created the final look that Netflix, Devcon Construction, and Gensler Architects were looking for.
Ten months later when the theater opened there was not a single crack in the structure.
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Project Details
Type: Corporate HQs
Client: Devcon Construction
Architect: Gensler Architects
Location: Los Gatos, CA
Surface Area: 10,000 SF